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Eastbourne Allotments and Gardens Society provide a valued and well loved service in the community.

We need help so we can continue to offer and expand our community service! Eastbourne allotments and the Society are accessible to all in Eastbourne through our allotment plots, community allotment plots, the Society shop, and social activities.

We are self funding and need help to expand and offer more to the town. We have big ideas and aspirations to be of greater use to the wider community and share our fantastic facilities to the people of Eastbourne.

It is well known that outdoor activity improves wellbeing for people of all ages. Great benefits can be gained physically, mentally and emotionally due to having and tending an allotment plot. Being a member of a community plot additionally offers a cure to feelings of isolation and loneliness, something that has been recognised as a growing problem in our towns today.

There are great learning opportunities for young and old and tending a plot can bring the young and old together in a shared activity and many families enjoy allotment gardening. We currently have a goal of creating a community plot with the aim of reducing feelings of isolation that some in the town feel. This problem being mainly found in the elderly but studies have shown that the youth in the town are also not immune to feelings of loneliness. So this facility would be for all age groups.

We would like to provide a community hut and greenhouse and a polytunnel as well as the growing space. This would be in the heart of the town at the Gorringe Road Group site, on the bus route and accessible to all whom would like to join. To raise the funds EAGS is a designated beneficiary of the Eastbourne Local Lottery. Anyone who does the Eastbourne lottery and designates EAGS, benefits us. So please help us achieve our aim by joining the Eastbourne Local Lottery."

In addition, Gillian was talking to one of our regular customers in the shop, Mori Tehrani, who said that he raises money for good causes by fasting for 3 days. Mori uses the internet “just giving” website. Mori works for Barclays bank in Canary Wharf and has lots of contacts there so he set a target of £3000! He just completed his 3 day fast and has raised £1920 so far.

Welllll, that is an amazing achievement and I am sure we all offer Mori our biggest thanks and congratulations.

Should you wish to donate please do so by visiting the “just giving” site or popping in to the allotment office.

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